Saturday, November 24, 2007

Picture Day!

As I said in my previous post, today we went and got our pictures taken. They turned out wonderfully I think! Brooke was THE most perfect child. We warned them of her shyness and of the probability that she would freak out/cry. Maybe it helped that we took family photos first, I don't know, but she was just like a little model! I swear I have never seen her so well behaved! They were posing her, down to placement of her hands, feet, fingers!!! :o And the whole while, Brad and I were stunned that she was allowing it and not throwing a fit, much less smiling on cue!!! The photographers were so impressed that a 2 1/2 year old would be such a good participant. I told them I was just as surprised honestly since she has a tendency to freak at taking professional pictures. See Santa picture story here: .

Anyway, we got some really great pictures. I had to post them in a slideshow so this post wouldn't be too picture heavy, but which ones are your favorite?

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