Saturday, November 24, 2007

Our "Christmas Princess"

Today we went to take some family and individual pictures at Sears. Last night I had got out all our clothes/outfits since our appointment was so early this morning. That way everything would be ready to go in the morning. Well, Brooke saw her dress last night and wanted so desperately to put it on. She was begging us, crying! We had to tell her to wait till today. So this morning, she was SUPER excited to wear her beautiful dress and called herself the "Christmas princess". She was very pretty I thought and the dress was sooo cute on her! Of course, I am biased, but isn't she such a beautiful child?
And one quick story for you....
I have to preface by saying I have always said that despite my kid being so shy who freaks out over someone looking at her wrong..or getting her feelings hurt so easily...or crying b/c she spilt a glass of water..., she is really quite tough. She falls and doesn't think twice. The other day at the park, she was covered in ants (and ant bites!) and didn't even flinch. (and you know ant bites can hurt) She will hit her head enough to get a knot and we won't even know it. So all this time I've been saying, she is pretty tough, but today was the icing on the cake.
Today after our much success at pictures (which is in the next post), we took Brooke out to lunch. Yes, we took her since she thoroughly enjoys chips and queso, we went to Abuelos. While we were eating, all of the sudden she screams and starts rubbing her eye. I assumed she probably got some salt in her eye (from the chips) and I KNOW how much that can hurt, so I instantly try to reach over and scoop her up to use some water from my glass or something. But Brad totally beat me to the punch. I mean he was there before I could blink an eye. He picks her up and immediately rushes her to the bathroom telling me as he walks off, " was the habenero pepper juice!" :o :o :o
So then I am really wondering how my little baby is. :( Can you imagine?!
Apparently, I find out later, he knew what it was b/c as he bit into his pepper, he saw the juice squirt out, saw her flinch and then the scream. He panicked too a bit I think.
But anyway, they were back at the table within I swear - a minute and a half - like nothing had happened. I was looking at her like in a confused way like 'uh...are you ok?' She was just ready for another chip and queso! That's one tough kid!

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