Monday, November 26, 2007

More decorations...

So, it occurred to me that most of ya'll reading my blog would never step a foot in my house to be able to see our numerous Christmas decorations, so I decided to post some photos of the elaborate doings at our house.

I'll start off by saying I really like to go all out at Christmas. It's my most favorite time of the year. I love the music, the decorations, the spirit, and the general feeling during the holiday season. Brad says I do too much and we could get to a point of being like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Have you seen that? With the lights that blind the neighbors? Yea...well, I'm not that bad..I don't think. :)

So, the first couple of pictures are that of our village. I have been a village collector for many years now and really enjoy it. I love seeing all the new houses, people, and things to go with it. But actually I haven't bought any new pieces the last couple years at least. I have finally realized that we are running out of room and can manage to slow down or stop. I just avoid that section in the store. I can do it!

The complete village goes the distance of two walls in our house and Brad has actually built something to hold it all. He was kind enough to put together a lot of it this year since I haven't been feeling well. I think he enjoys it too. ;)

And this is a close-up shot of one of the 4 or 5 separate areas of the village
A picture of our tree completely decorated. I realize it's not a great picture and doesn't fully show the ornaments and such, but you know. I did it in silver and white this year (I usually change it up every year) and Brooke and I had so much fun out of putting ea ornament on the tree. Once I get up the balls, every ornament after that has a meaning or a story. Each one was either given to me, bought for a special occasion, or for Brad or Brooke. So it is fun and reminiscent to pull out the ornaments one by one and talk about each one and where/who it came from. It makes a tree much more personal I think.
Lately we have had some nasty, cold, rainy weather. Just as we were through with inside decorations and ready to do outside stuff. So, we are behind (in my book) with getting our outside decorations up, but today we started. It's also hard because it gets dark so early. We aren't nearly finished, but have gotten all the yard ornaments out and put in the ground. Now we just have to light it up and get power to it all. That is the time-consuming part. Brooke really enjoys helping now. When she's not helping, she is really miserable so we always have to find something for her to do. With this project, she was able to carry some of the smaller yard decorations out to the yard and she 'helped' Daddy carry the bigger ones. She also enjoyed helping decide where to put them. Then when they were up and in the ground, she liked to go give them hugs, play with them, hide behind them, and much more. This age is so fun!Hopefully soon we will have the outside decorations finished and up and running. I can't wait to see it all done again and get to enjoy it. But mostly this year I am enjoying watching Brooke enjoy it. After all, what is better than watching the world through the eyes of a 2 1/2 yr old?

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