Saturday, November 3, 2007

Santa Claus

Already? you might ask. Yes. It's that time of year ALREADY! We took Brooke today to get some pictures done with Santa Claus. A local photographer has Santa for two days and charges a nominal fee to get 20 minutes (ish) time with him and two sheets of pictures. We did the same last year as I know my child will NOT just walk up in the mall and sit on Santa's lap with ease. I figure this is our best chance at a shot with Santa. She *might* have time to warm up. Keep reading....

So last year, she screamed I swear the whole time we were there. But by some miraculous wonder, the photographer managed to scrounge together a few shots of her 'in passing by' Santa. They actually turned out pretty cute all things considered. This year we figured she was older and maybe we could talk her into it a couple days in advance, showing her the pic from last year (it's the same Santa) and hey...even bribing her. After a round of school pictures that didn't happen a few weeks ago, we were willing to try anything. Keep reading....

So, we prepped her starting a couple days ago, showed her the picture of Santa and Brooke from last year, and talked about Santa A LOT. Of course, this year she really has an understanding of exactly what this guy in the big red suit does. She's already explained to us that she wants Santa to bring her this 'dog from Sam's'. :) We also reminded her of her school pictures that went so bad and how everyone was so sad she didn't take a school picture. (She threw a complete fit!) Then I prepared Santa the night before by making sure he had an appropriate present to give her (just a small trinket or two) and bought some 'makeup' (aka chapstick) with Cinderella on it to show Brooke she would get that AFTER she took a good smiley picture with Santa. We even practiced her smile! I just knew things would be a little better this year. I was still expecting her to be timid, but just knew once we were there and I reminded her of all these things, she would surely agree to cooperate. Keep reading....

So, we walk in the door. She is totally gung ho. Ready to tell everything to Santa. She sees him, throws herself almost completely on the floor, kicking, screaming, hitting, anything she can do to get herself out of there. This went on for a good five minutes. I eventually picked her up (trying to relieve Daddy) and she proceeded to punch me at least 4 or 5 times, kicked me I don't know how many times, screamed as if someone was branding her with a hot iron, and just would not quit! She then tried screaming out..."I NEED TO GO PEE-PEE! I NEED TO GO PEE-PEE!" which I figured was a stall tactic, but whatever. We needed a break! So, Brad takes her into the restroom, calms her down some, but then as soon as we bring her back out, it started all over again. Now, most would say they don't believe me. That sweet little Brooke could not possibly act like this. Well, let me assure you, she can and she did.
Anyway, somehow we manage to get her into the main room (this whole time we were just in the entryway!) and closer in proximity to the white-bearded guy. The photographer ends up talking with her and fortunately Brooke really warmed up to her (well, as much as she could under the circumstances). But as soon as there was mention of Santa again, she started crying.
Then all of the sudden a light switch must've gone off. It had been 25 minutes at least (notice the sessions were only supposed to be 20 minutes) when we somehow were able to plop her onto a stool, then slide the stool next to Santa. At that moment, instead of screaming like crazy, she turned to the camera and just smiled for at least a dozen pictures (of course it wasn't a genuine smile, but her 'fake smile', but who cares right?). Then before losing it again, she turned to Santa, he asked what she might want for Christmas, and she proceeded to have a small conversation with the friendly guy, telling him she wanted a dog from Sam's and a bird (yes, we know what she's referring to). She even told him before we left she was sorry for crying, but still cried if we tried to coerce her into trying to take just a couple more pictures. So, all in all, it was horrific, but turned out ok. She was awarded with her Cinderella makeup and her present from Santa before leaving for taking a good picture after all.

She came home and was sooo excited to remind us of her 'visit with Santa' and how she told him what she wanted - a 'dog from Sam's and a bird'. She told us that Santa gave her a present and keeps reminding us that the reindeer came from Santa (a small stuffed reindeer). She is thrilled. So, while we talked afterward a bit about how she was scared and screamed and cried in the beginning (which wasn't nice), we emphasized how happy Santa was that she decided to take a good picture.

I included a pic from last year so you could see Brooke's newest friend (sort of). I won't get the pics from today back for a while. So in the meantime, here's Santa and Brooke a year ago: (and yes, his beard is real)

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