Friday, June 7, 2013

Last day of school

The last day of school was last week and the girls were so excited.  Its always a little bittersweet for me...  girls growing up.  But this year, Brenna is leaving preschool and headed off to 'big school'.  Next year, Kindergarten!  That definitely makes it a little harder.  And Brooke will be a big huge 3rd grader! WHA?!

Yea.  So.  Anyway....  last days are filled with excitements, parties, and goodbyes.  But first, Brooke's school had Principal Awards, where her biggest recognition was being recognized as one of the few with not one but TWO million words read for the year.  (notice she is only one of two second graders standing...every one else was in older grades!)

Then I headed off quickly to participate in Brenna's last day of school.  They each got a book about them (pics and crafts they did throughout the year), had water day at school, made a handprint tree on the wall, had a pizza party wtih cookies and lots of hugs before leaving.  We have loved loved LOVED these teachers.  We LOVE that they have just loved on our daughter like she is as special to them as she is to us.  We couldn't ask for anything better from a preschool and will miss their kind hearts and creativity daily.  :(

And back up to pick up Brooke from her last day and get one last picture with Ms Neff.  We'll miss this sweet lady!

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