Saturday, June 8, 2013

We did it!!! - our first 5K

I kept meaning to come back and update on my weight loss/health journey.  And, know, kids take up a majority of this blog.  So, I'll throw it in with this huge milestone (which happens to also involve the kids too ;).

I started back in February.  On a random day mid February.  I weighed in on a Monday night (I have no idea why I started on a Monday night...but I did).  From that day on, I have not had a single (real) soda.  I have been eating 'right' - following Weight Watchers - tracking what I eat, eating only what I track and making progress.  Every week since starting I have lost anywhere from 1-3 or 4 lbs..I had never gained.  It is always my goal to never gain.  After 3 months, I lost 34.8 lbs.  I'm not quite ready for a before and after picture as I still don't 'see it'.  I know.  Hard to imagine.  After nearly 35 lbs you would think I would notice something.  But I really still look fat to me.  I'm not there yet.

I also decided to try this whole Couch to 5K app people rave about.  Supposedly, 8 weeks and you go from the couch to being able to do a 5K.  I couldn't imagine THAT.  I mean, seriously..  Even in high school..when I weighed like 115 lbs.  When I was involved in marching band, played basketball, played volleyball...I still HATED running.  I was in the best shape ever.  And I could not stand to run...ever.  But I thought I'd give it a try in the hopes it'd help the weight come off faster.

And it did, I think?  I started the app..and it starts you off slowly...walking 3 min, jogging 60 seconds, walk 3, run 1.  Then the next week it would be walk 3, run 2...or somethign like that.  And sure enough by the end of the 8 weeks I could easily run (or jog rather) 35 minutes.  Granted that still wasn't quite a 5K for me.  A 5K is 3.1 miles and they were figuring a 10 min mile, which I was not at that yet.  I am still VERY slow.  But I can do it.  I can make it.  I'm just slow. So, I started a second round of the app, pushing myself a little more past what the app required to try to build my pace.  For the record, later, didn't work, but whatever.  I can still run the whole time.  Still just very slow.

Around the same time of me finishing the app and building my endurance, an opportunity came up to actually register for a 5K.  Dont' get me wrong.  I still HATE to run.  I don't like it.  Its not fun.  But I like having done it.  And this particular 5K was a non-pressure one.  It was not timed. It was for fun.  Its called the Color Up Run.  Because as you go through the course (and some people actually walk the whole time!), they spray, throw, douse you with color powder.  It was supposed to be a lot of fun....for a run.  So I decided to sign up.  Let's do this.  Brooke agreed to do it with me.  Brad stopped running a while back b/c of his knee and Brenna couldn't keep up.  So Brooke and I were going to go for it.

The race came up this past weekend.  And oh.  my.  goodness.  It was SOOOOOOOO much fun.  I didn't run the entire way.  But, the only time I stopped was when we were in the direct sun for a 1/4 mile (ish) and I felt like I was getting heat stroke or something.  Geesh!  It was hot.  That was the worst part.  But otherwise it was so much fun.  We finished in 48 minutes, which isn't all that great but isn't all that awful either.  But it was so much fun, in fact, that I have already signed up for another similar one in October (where it will hopefully be not near as hot!) and the whole family will be doing it as a team (its cheaper to register as a team).  If Brad and Brenna need to walk, so be it.  But they will have a blast I know.

Anyway, so here's some pictures from our day.  Did I say how much fun it was???  :)

Before -

The start -

And we are at the VERY front.  2500 people plus were registered for this.  They started at 9am, letting 500 people go every 10 minutes.  My biggest (first) goal was to be in the first wave.  I didn't want to leave later, allowing it to be hotter for me.  Mission accomplished.  Ha!  I was one of the first ones in the not only the first wave, but at the first line!  LOL

Here's a link from the race's page that caught us as we crossed the starting line..

During (Brad and Brenna found us at certain spots along the race) -

Friends along the way...

And the finish -

And afterwards...more partying!  They had 'color up' parties every 10 minutes, they gave away cotton candy and pixie sticks, had music playing and all sorts of fun.  Somehow Brad and Brenna ended up colorful too.  :)

So proud of us!  I know I could've done better time, but it was so much fun we didn't care.  Now, my 'training' will begin to consist of interval running to try to get me faster and also some strength training.  I've got the endurance now...I just want to be faster.  And of course, to lose more weight.  :)

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