Thursday, April 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Brenna!!!


DO-WHAT?!?!  Say again?!?!

Yep.  Brenna is four years old today.  My, how time flies.

I couldn't imagine our lives without our lovely Brenna.  She livens up the house, that's for sure.  There is never a dull moment.

The biggest that we made it this whole year with no broken bones!  LOL  That's a record.  Now, notice I didn't say injuries.  She's had a few of those.  Thinking back recently to the fingernail she lost, etc...

But she is definitely our go-getter.  She is shy.  That is the biggest misconception about Brenna in my opinion.  That she is adventurous.  She really is not.  She does not do crazy stunts or anything really.  Its just when she DOES do something, it turns out big.  All her injuries have either been freak accidents or doing random everyday things that have not ended well.

Anyway, so her biggest misconception among those that don't really know her (and even some that do) is that she is adventurous.  She is not.  She is not as cautious as Brooke, sure.  But not adventurous.  She doesn't seek out crazy things to do.

Brenna is the sweetest little girl you'll ever meet.  Its so frustrating to me those that don't see this in her.  They don't give her opportunity to open up to the beautiful child she is.  She is shy.  So it takes time.  But once you win her over, she will take up for you, console you, do her best to please you, and more.  Just the other day when I was so sick she came up to me, "Mommy, I am so sorry you are sick.  (rubbing my back and my arm)  But don't worry.  God loves you and He will take care of you and make you all better real soon."  (and continued to love on me)

And the best part of all this?  She is genuine.  Worth repeating.  Her thoughts, words, feelings are genuine.  She has empathy for others like I have never seen with another 4 year old.  Again, an outsider may not see it from her, bc first you have to be on the inside with her.  But once in, she is so so so sweet.  Sharing.  Consoling.  Giving.  All great words for Brenna.

She is also one of the funniest kids I know.  Not, in tells jokes all the time.  But funny, as in...she says and does some of the funniest things.  And not always on purpose.  ;)  She 'gets' the grown up jokes and innuendos.  She says her own little tidbits at the right moments to get a laugh.  She is so unique in her level of humor.  We all love that about her.  She makes Brooke laugh.  A lot.  (which is sometimes hard to do ;)

Of course, I am going to say she is smart.  She is on probably a late Kindergarten or early 1st grade reading level.  Starting to read sentences on her own, etc.  Putting it all together stage.  She is doing early math, slight addition and subtraction.  She has a thing for bugs and science things.  Her favorite day of school is always Wednesday, because that's when the Museum lady comes.  :)

Brenna likes to snuggle.  This goes back a little to her sweetness.  But, she LOVES to snuggle.  And she's good at it.  She is a hugger.  She will randomly leave our aisle at church to run back to the back to hug her Sunday School teacher.  She asks for hugs every single time at Kindermusik.  Or other places where she loves the adults.  Its almost become a thing with her - every day as we pick up Brooke from school, we HAVE to wait to see Mrs Taylor (Brooke's teacher) as she comes and helps with the car line so Brenna can give her a hug.  Every.  Single.  Day.  And now, she's hugging Coach Montes on a regular basis too.  A few days ago, she ran up to the principal to give her a hug.  No kidding.  As Lotso would say, she's a hugger!

As I mentioned, Brenna loves bugs.  Ok.  Well.  That needs some more explaining.  She's scared to death of bees, wasps, beetles, roaches, etc.  But the "nice" bugs?  Loves them.  Roly poly's, ladybugs, .....mmm, and now ants.  (thanks to the ant farm at school).  See?  The nice bugs.  She loves to be outside.  She comes home FILTHY from school nearly every day.  She loves playing in dirt, mud, and is just content as could be in a sandbox.  She has recently learned to swing, pumping her legs to keep herself going and such.  But still likes to find a sucker who will push her.  It makes it much easier on her after all.  ;)

Even though, she might sound all tomboy-ish, that is most definitely not the case.  When she comes in with her knees black from the dirt, she cleans up, and wants to put on her ballet leotard, high heels and skirts.  She whines about her clothes any morning I do not let her wear a skirt or dress.  She likes to have her hair fixed (like a princess) and even enjoys fixing our dog's hair.  :P

She is most definitely ALL girl.

Her favorite all time...and I mean, is Homeward Bound.  And she is quick to tell you her favorite song?  Is the theme from Homeward Bound.  She sings (or hums) it well and can carry quite a tune.  Maybe she will be our little vocalist! :)

She still enjoys Kindermusik and can't wait to start playing the piano!  She also is ready to play softball, start 'big' school, and more.  Basically, anything.  I often feel bad for her, normal second child syndrome I guess.  Always the tag along...never getting to (yet!) participate in her own stuff.  She's done a few things, but is often carted around to all of Brooke's things.  Soon enough.  Soon enough.  Most recently we signed her up for Little Belle Camp.  To say she was excited is an extreme understatement!  She ran around the house screaming when I told her for at least 10 minutes.  LOL  And soon she will be old enough for softball, might try her hand at dance, and swim lessons will start up again soon.  While she can't wait for it all, I, on the other hand, wish time would slow down a little.

And to further explain her sweetness....  I always joke that I wish she could stay little, stop growing, or go backwards in age.  Yesterday, when we were laying together before her nap, she told me, "Mommy.  I can go back to 2 if you really want me to?"  Me:  "Aw, Brenna!  That's sweet.  I think it sounds like a great idea, but how would we keep you from growing?"  Brenna: "Well, we can put bricks on my head?"

She is a people pleaser.  She wants to do well to get that pat on the back.  Her love language is a toss up between affirmations and touch.  She's a hugger, but she loves to be praised upon an accomplishment.  To see her beam makes my heart happy.

I know she will continue to make us laugh, make us smile, and warm our hearts.  We are so happy that she is a part of our family and blessed to have a perfect little girl as she.  Our sweet Brenna Ann.  Happy Birthday!

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