Monday, April 30, 2012

THE Birthday day

Brenna's actual birthday was packed full of things to do, places to go, and people to see.  As usual.  Again, no birthday parties this year b/c of our "birthday trip" to SeaWorld earlier.  But she was still showered with attention and love all day long.

Day before her birthday Nana was here and gave her her present.  Which she immediately wanted to play with, of course.  (headphones, case, other accessories for her LeapPad)

Morning of her birthday, she had snuck into our bed b/c of a nightmare the night before, so we snuck OUT of bed early and surprised her w a bed full of pink and purple balloons.

And per a now apparent tradition, a donut 'cake' for breakfast.  :)

We let her open the few small things she got from us before school that morning.

Then, she went to school, where I later brought some cookies up and they sang to her, etc etc..

They actually do this cool little song where they candle represents the sun and Brenna takes the globe and makes 4 trips around the sun while they song.  So cute! :)

Then cookies after their lunch..

After that, came home, napped, picked up Brooke from school, and then Sammy came over, gave her her presents and took us out to eat for Brenna's birthday, Brenna's choice.  She picked Olive Garden.  Smart kid.  :)

And we finished up the day back home with a small cake for dessert singing to her.

The very next day, PaPoo's gift arrived (via UPS ;).  She opened it and was VERY excited to find her own copy of Homeward Bound II.  Eek!  He also got her a ladybug habitat where she can grow her own ladybugs (more on that to come after we get the larvae).

So, all in all I think she had a fabulous day!  She kept saying over and over again...  "I can't believe I'm four now."  Yea.  Me, neither, sweetie.  Me neither.

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