We went to Toys R Us a few weeks ago to buy diapers that were on sale and while there, I let Brooke get on a bike or two to try. After I saw her ride them, I felt really bad. See, her current bike was still the step up from a tricycle at a measly 12 inches! Seriously...this was like the epitome of a kiddie bike. The ones she was trying and riding comfortably at the store were a whopping 16 inches! How could I not have noticed? It was amazing how much easier she rode these bikes. So my mind starts to contemplating how we can rationalize getting a brand new bike for seemingly no reason other than she kinda "needs" one (and that word is in quotes, bc I know that no kid really NEEDS a bike...but for the ease of conversation I use it here). Its not her birthday. Its not Christmas. She hasn't done anything special. (in fact quite the opposite...more on that later) So, I'm left to contemplating.
Brad vetoes it right away. His initial response actually was "tell her to ask Santa for a new bike". Waa. Waa... She can't ride a bike outside in December and January!
Well, a little more talking and convincing and shopping...and a short week later, we had gotten her a new bike. I ended up using a 20% off coupon on a clearanced out bike at Toys R Us so it ended up being only $40 for a brand new bike - 16in. I tried to talk her into bumping up to an 18in for the sake of allowing for quicker growth, but she really was still too short for that big of step and it made her really uncomfortable. And since she still uses training wheels, we didn't need anything else to make it harder. (plus they don't sell 18in w training wheels!) And the bike will get handed down to Brenna...and it was only $40, so if she only uses it this year, its not a huge loss.
Anyway, so she loves her new bike! Its perfect for her (we did have to raise the seat some) and she is riding much easier now, well....now that she has earned her bike back. (more on that later)

Not to be outdone, Brenna had to go and get something to ride... I love how she has to carry the scooter around first, claiming how heavy it is.

Now back to the story of why she had to wait for her bike. You see, about this same time, Brooke decided to start testing boundaries. She decided to start telling me 'no' waaaay too often and began arguing with me a lot. So much so that when we brought the bike home, she didn't get it right away. In fact, I threatened to take it back to the store after she wouldn't even get on it for a picture! (yes! The bike she loved! I could hardly get her on it to take a picture) Then, after a very unhappy Mama ended up with no pedicure one day when a free one was offered to me because my girls refused to act right, I put my foot down. That was the straw that broke the camels back.
Brooke then and there lost all her toys - I told her they went to Brenna. (Oooooo - ultimate punishment! For Brenna to have something she didn't!) Because she wasn't respecting her things, her toys, and her family. Then, anytime she told me 'no' for the next few days/week, she had to suffer the consequences.
First instance, the same day, when leaving a baby shower at Brad's work, I told her to put her shoes on. She said, "no." So I went, picked her (favorite) shoes and threw them in the trash. (don't worry, I later went and got them...but she doesn't know this yet) She had to go home barefoot. Again, later, at a swim party, same thing, I tell her to put her shoes on, she says 'no'....shoes go in the trash, she goes home barefoot. These instances all left her tearful and remorseful...but it just hadn't fully set in yet that I meant business. The hardest was yet to come.
After church and lunch one Sunday, she asked to go swimming. I told her that maybe we could go after naps. She said, "nooooo! I don't wanna go after naps!!!" Ok. I told her. Fine. So after naps, we all went swimming. Me, Brad, and Brenna that is. Brooke had to sit out....at the pool. In her clothes. And watch us swim for 30-45 minutes. Talk about sinking in! She sat on the side and sobbed, coming to us every few minutes swearing she learned her lesson and she wouldn't say 'no' anymore, etc. But we stuck to our guns and she did not swim that day. Ultimate lesson. Swimming is her favorite past time for sure. Since then, we have heard very limited "no's". And if we do, they are not sassy at all and she quickly tries to explain herself away. So as we've gone through the days/week since, she has earned first her toys back and now her bike back. We only made her sit out of swimming the one time (it was all about the effect of her saying 'no' in that instance). I haven't given her shoes back yet, because frankly....I never liked those shoes anyway. :P

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