First on Saturday, we went to Brad's cousin's wedding. My mom graciously agreed to come over and stay with the girls that night so we could go sans kiddos and enjoy a night to ourselves.

So, after we left there, I headed out of town to meet my mom and spent the rest of the day shopping the outlet malls. Lots of sales and lots of clothes later, I got back home late last night and everything is getting back to normal today. Well, as normal as it gets anyway. I woke up sneezing and a stuffy nose (I hope just allergies). So I could take it easy, I let the girls watch a Baby Einstein video...
And then just play around...
Here's Brenna loving on her big sister...Awwwww....
And my little model. I told her I wanted to take a picture and she strikes a pose. Haha!
So, anyway, we have a slow and hopefully un-eventful week this week before Brooke goes back to school next week. Time to re-cooperate a little.
Oh...and in other notable news. I am pretty sure Brenna is weaned or is weaning herself. She was down to one nursing a day just before bed and would sign for it every night after bath so I wasn't sure how long she would go. Anyway, the other night when we left her for the wedding, she took a cup of milk just fine without me there, which was encouraging. And now, she still signs for it, but only nurses maybe MAYBE a minute or so before signing "all done" and "sleep". My big girl.
I can't decide if I'm happy or sad. Of course of course I'm happy that it will be a peaceful weaning and not a battle to get her to quit and that she quit (or is quitting) before she is too old (I'm one that really doesn't like to go beyond a year or so) and is walking and talking. But of course, I'm also a little bit sad - she is my last "baby" after all.... :-(

Oh...and in other notable news. I am pretty sure Brenna is weaned or is weaning herself. She was down to one nursing a day just before bed and would sign for it every night after bath so I wasn't sure how long she would go. Anyway, the other night when we left her for the wedding, she took a cup of milk just fine without me there, which was encouraging. And now, she still signs for it, but only nurses maybe MAYBE a minute or so before signing "all done" and "sleep". My big girl.
I can't decide if I'm happy or sad. Of course of course I'm happy that it will be a peaceful weaning and not a battle to get her to quit and that she quit (or is quitting) before she is too old (I'm one that really doesn't like to go beyond a year or so) and is walking and talking. But of course, I'm also a little bit sad - she is my last "baby" after all.... :-(
And a funny Brooke story to end on. A little preface first though... You have to understand, Bailey (our dog) LOVES to chase flashlights. He barks, chases it like crazy, jumps the walls, whatever... Brooke knows this and likes to get out the flashlight and play that game with him. I usually make her go to her room and do it, b/c Bailey is so loud when he goes to barking at the light.
So, the other day, I was getting ready for the wedding, Brenna was still sleeping and I hear Brad tell Brooke (after she was making a little bit of noise).."Brooke, you need to be quiet. Brenna is still sleeping." So she comes into our bedroom and is playing on the bed. All of the sudden, she says, very mischieviously, "Mommy...look what I found." I turn around and see her with Brad's flashlight turned on. She asks, "where's Bailey?" I responded, "I don't know, but you better not or else Daddy's gonna get mad. He told you you needed to be quiet so Brenna doesn't wake up." And she responds, so nonchalantly, "Well. I guess he should've hid the flashlight further under the bed then."
So, the other day, I was getting ready for the wedding, Brenna was still sleeping and I hear Brad tell Brooke (after she was making a little bit of noise).."Brooke, you need to be quiet. Brenna is still sleeping." So she comes into our bedroom and is playing on the bed. All of the sudden, she says, very mischieviously, "Mommy...look what I found." I turn around and see her with Brad's flashlight turned on. She asks, "where's Bailey?" I responded, "I don't know, but you better not or else Daddy's gonna get mad. He told you you needed to be quiet so Brenna doesn't wake up." And she responds, so nonchalantly, "Well. I guess he should've hid the flashlight further under the bed then."
1 comment:
Looks like you need a big harvest basket for that garden of yours. Your girls are getting so big. They're beautiful.
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