In other, more fun, news... she is able to hold her head up and steady for long periods of time. She is kicking and startimg to bat at things. We've maybe seen one intentional smile, but keep looking for it any day (again hopefully the meds will help her feel better all around). She is still nursing well - about every 2 1/2 - 3 hrs, except at night, where, as I mentioned, she goes from 10p-6a. She still is swaddled at night and usually once during the day for a nap (the only way she'll sleep outside of someone's arms). She's not much into the pacifier (comparitively speaking). She'll take it if we insist but it usually gets spit out after a little bit. She enjoys the newest bouncy seat we got from a friend and that is the one place she will sit alone for a good portion of time. She also likes the Bumbo seat and is able to sit in it very well for extended periods of time. Her eyes are still blue - very blue. We're waiting to see if they'll stay blue like Brooke's or change as she gets older (they say by 6-8 mos, eye color will stay at what it is then). Her hair is red, like a dark auburn red. Not sure yet if tht'll stay or if its a transition from brown to blonde. At this age, Brooke started losing her black newborn hair and when it came back in, it was blonde. Brenna has yet to lose any hair that we can tell, so we'll see.

As for me, I have been battling staph infection. Don't have a clue how I got it, but the spot was on my forehead just over my right eyebrow. Within a few hours, my eye swelled up, shut, and my other eye was almost shut. It was very scary for a few days as I really lost the ability to see. I went to the doctor, got 2 antibiotic shots (24 hrs apart), oral antibiotics, and an antibiotic cream. He also dug around in it, cutting it open and applying some serious pressure to get it to start draining (he didn't want to 'operate' on the face since it scars so easy). Eventually, it drained little by little and slowly the swelling went down. I was unrecognizable and Brooke even asked for me to keep my sunglasses on. :( I can't blame her - I really was a freak show. The worst part was not being able to see for 3 days though - real scary. Anyway, now I am better and down to a simple bandaid and two black eyes - Brad says I look like I've been in a fight with Mike Tyson....and lost. But I feel and look soooo much better and so relieved to be able to see again - and not scare my daughter when I look at her. The good news is no one else in the family got it and Brad was able to take off work to help (since I couldn't see!) and to keep the kids at a safe distance.
All that to say how appreciative I am that I am better and have my good health as well as the good health of my family, even if they do cry a lot. ;) When things like this happen, it really puts things into perspective and makes you realize what you take for granted on a daily basis. We are so thankful to be able to rock, cuddle, see, and smell our sweet little babies. Count your blessings!

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