Vacation Bible School is over now. Brooke enjoyed a full week of it and had lots of fun. Well.....minus the horrific fall out of the swings. Yea, she got pushed a little too high (ok, a lot too high). It happened like in slow motion. I saw it coming knowing she's not the steadiest and most assured on a swing. Actually this week was her first time on a 'big kid' swing (the kind with no back). Anyway, so when the swing went up (I swear it was level with the top bar!), Brooke came out through the back and landed on her back in a fetal position. Scared the life out of me! And her too. Anyway, she was fine for the most part. She had a pretty bad headache for a while I'm sure and a good size knot on the back of her head, but otherwise, just a little scared. The next night Brad insisted she get back on that horse. And she did....a little more cautious this time.

All else was great fun. They ended the week with a 'Campfire Cookout' (the theme was "Friendship Trek") complete with hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream. They provided water toys and a slip n slide. Brooke didn't want to get in the water, but enjoyed watching the kids from her chair. 

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