In other updates from the doctor, he reassured us and explained to us what we have been calling her 'breathing problems'. She seriously sounds like a lawn mower sometimes and has trouble breathing and often is gasping for air. Previous doctors told us she might have a cold, reflux, or just might be a noisy baby. I wasn't buying any of that. So, today our beloved doctor explained to us that she has mucous (just normal amt of mucous like everyone normally has) that she is unable to expel of at this point. She doesn't know how to sniff her nose or cough or clear her throat....yet. He said you don't notice it or hear it with all babies, but some you do and that all will outgrow it within 3-6 wks. The gasps of air as we were calling it are actually her epiglottis going up in a herky jerky motion instead of smooth. Again, nothing to be worried about and something that she will develop into more at 3-6 wks. He assured us she was not choking and could breath fine. She is just learning. He also advised us to turn off the monitor at night so we didn't hear it. ;) Of course, I didn't tell him that she sleeps in the bassinet in our room. :)
Also, she has pretty bad diaper rash and we asked about that. He told us to focus on not wiping so much and blotting her bottom dry/clean. Also he recommended using a dry cloth instead of baby wipes when we are home and can do so.
We also had to get her newborn screen/PKU - where they do a foot prick and squeeze a ton of blood out - enough to fill up what looks like a fingerprint card. Ugh.... It's horrible. The actual prick wasn't bad, but the squeezing blood out (esp while she was starving!) was apparently excruciating to her. To hear her screaming like that. Ugh... I hate that part of being a parent. :( But it's done and they'll let us know the results (I'm not even sure what all they test for) at the next checkup.
So all in all a good visit and we are so proud of her weight gain. The doctor says she looks great overall and was happy with her progress.
In other news, today was my first day home with the girls alone. Brad went back to work after his 3-wk paternity leave. We were sad to see him go and missed him. And actually it was a little surreal to have responsibility to two children now, but things went pretty good! Come to find out, Brooke is a much better big sister than we even thought she'd be. She asked to hold Brenna for a bit after I fed her this morning and held her (nicely too) for two full hours! I got tons of stuff done - 5 loads of laundry, trash collecting, cleaning, picking up, etc. It was wonderful! Of course, Brad come home to go with us to Brenna's first checkup so I'm not sure if it counts as a full day of us being home alone together, but still.... We are well on our way!
And because no post is complete without pictures....

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