Saturday, December 1, 2007

Fun days

Today we had a super fun day! We spent our morning fighting strings of Christmas lights that don't work. How frustrating is that every year? We still haven't gotten the outside finished - it just seems like every strand we have, there are numerous bulbs out, if not the whole string.
But anyway, then we got to go to a friend's 3rd birthday party. Brooke had a lot of fun and enjoyed eating all the chips if nothing else. Birthdays are becoming a little sad for me. It's so sad to see these little babies growing up to be little kids! This little boy is perhaps Brooke's longest friend. They have known each other since the very first Sign and Sing class in Kindermusik when Brooke was only 6 mos old and he was about 9 or 10 mos. Now he's turning 3??? Where does this time go and how can we slow it down? As I share some of these pictures with you, I look at them and wonder....'when did she lose that baby face?'...or 'when did she turn into such a little person?'....'when did this personality just come of age?'. It seems like this stuff just happens overnight I swear! I try to cherish every single moment, really I do. I take notice of those special times, the precious glances, the newest talents, or the ever-growing independence. But no matter what, it still seems as if this time has just flown by!

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