Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Christmas Parade

Is this parade EVER going to start??

Brooke's favorite part was the "marching bams". No matter how many times I tried to correct her speech, she insisted they were "bams". LOL
She really had a great time overall though. And with no nap too! The parade fell right in the middle of naptime, so we just had to skip it today. It was worth it. She had a blast! This year she really got into it and it's so fun to watch her excitement.
At one point, she decided she no longer wanted to sit with us in the chairs and wanted to go sit on the curb.

There were something like 108 floats/entries. So the parade took about 2 1/2 hours. Though there was never a dull moment for Brooke. Well, other than the time it took for the parade to start that is. And the grand finale....? None other than St Nick himself. Brooke was waaay excited to wave to him. And when he was facing the other side of the street, she was yelling at him "SAAAANTAAA!" "SAAANTAA!" Then when he turned her way, she was calling out, "SANTA! I'M ON THE NICE LIST! COME TO MY HOUSE TO BRING ME PRESENTS!" It was the funniest thing ever I swear. Here's the last picture of Brooke waving to Santa as he goes by.

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