Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Program at church

Yesterday at church was the Sunday School's Christmas program. Brooke was expected to participate with her fellow 2/3 yr old classmates. The were supposed to sing three songs during the middle of the program. The rest of the program was performed by the older Sunday School kids. I really didn't expect her to sing. I had played the CD for her over and over again a couple weeks prior. And while she would sing all her other Christmas favorites (Jingle Bells, Wish you a Merry Christmas, Rudolph and more), she would NOT sing these three songs. She acted like she didn't like them, didn't know them, etc. But that was ok. I figured we were doing good if she would just go up and there and look cute - like last time. We have been practicing each Sunday and so far so good. Then yesterday before church (during practice), she freaked! Started screaming/crying when they wanted her to go up there. UGH! She eventually calmed down, but then was soooo grumpy the whole time up there - there was no 'looking cute' about it. *Sigh* Anyway, so during Sunday School class (after the practice was over), we took a potty break and I told her she could NOT do that during church - that screaming crying stuff. She agreed she would be a big girl and not scream, cry, or throw a fit. I made her tell Ms Jennifer (her teacher) that she was going to be a big girl and not cry. But I was still nervous.

So the time came and the kids were supposed to walk in by themselves as church started. I asked her beforehand if she needed my help going in, or if she could stay with Ms Jennifer and I could go find a seat. She assured me I could go find a seat. So I did (nervously waiting in my seat). But sure enough, she walked in all on her own. She was fascinated as the older kids read their parts, sung their songs, and was great while sitting waiting her turn. Then the time came for her and her classmates to go up and she did it! All on her own. No screaming/crying. WHEW! Then once she made eye contact with me, she was ok.

But wait! The story doesn't end there. Not only did she go up by herself and was great at looking cute ;) , she sang!!!! All of the songs! (Insert shocked face here) I was so proud! Who knew she even knew the songs, much less be willing to sing in front of the entire church congregation?!?! AND...she was really the only one in her class that sung.

So, below are some still pictures from the practice and then some video following. I apologize for the quality, as this was done with my small camera. Also, it was really hard to capture her from where I was sitting as Samuel (the boy next to her) was pretty focused on his necklace (lol). But you can def see her singing along! ENJOY!

Waiting for their turn in the pew - Brayla, Brooke, Miranda, and SamuelThe whole group

Silent Night

Away in a Manger
If I Were a Camel...

Her 'boyfriends' at church - Samuel (who is only 2 mos older) and Seth (who is like a big brother to Brooke)

1 comment:

Julia said...

She is so tiny up there! So precious! You must be so proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!