Saturday, December 22, 2007

THE Biggest Loser

YAY! YAY! YAY! He won!

That's right! Brad won the Biggest Loser competition at work. They had the final weigh-in Thursday. He lost a whopping 51.5 lbs in 2 1/2 mos! Which comes out to 22% of his body weight. I found out later the closest runner-up lost only 16 lbs, less than 10% of her body weight. So, in so doing, he won all the entry fees of the participants. It was $25 a person and there were 18 people. So he came home with $450!!! Now, we can afford to actually have this baby! Haha!

But more importantly is how proud I am of him. He is actually down to his goal weight already and insists he will NEVER weigh as much again! He looks amazing and all his clothes are falling off him. So, as a token of my proudness, I gave him a gift card to Dillards to get some new clothes!

Here are some before and after pictures:

BEFORE (this was in September):

AFTER (as of today):

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