Sunday, December 16, 2007

But, why?

That's all we hear lately...."But why, Mommy?", "But why, Daddy?". Over and over again.
I'm not sure when or how Brooke got so big and analytical on us, but it is sure happening quickly these days. Today, on the way to Sunday School, I told her that before Sunday School we were going to a birthday party for Jesus (taking donated items as presents for the less fortunate). She proceeds to ask me, "Well, will Jesus be there?" I told her I didn't think so.
"But why?"
Mommy: "Well, Jesus is in heaven now."
Brooke: "Ok. What about Mary?"
Mommy: "No, Mary is in heaven too."
Brooke: "Well, what about Joseph? Will he be there?"
Mommy: "No...Joseph is in heaven too."
Brooke: "But, why?"
Mommy (really not wanting this conversation to go any farther): "Well, remember how in your book at home, it tells about how Mary lived a long long time ago, but we still remember her today? So, Mary isn't here anymore, but she is in heaven."

Then, later as my dad, better known as PaPoo comes over for a visit, Brooke is showing him things in her room. All of the sudden out of the blue, she asks, "PaPoo, where's your girlfriend?" He looked stunned (my parents are divorced and he doesn't date anyone) and wasn't sure what to say or what she was thinking. Brooke, seeing his stunned face, thinks a little bit, and follows with..."you know, Nana?" (as in my mom) We were both a little shocked she made that connection as my mom and my dad never really are here together and the 'relationship' has never been explained before.

Brooke can also tell you the entire story of Santa Claus. Everything from all of his names (St Nick, Kris Kringle, Santa Claus) to the fact that he lives at the North Pole with elves that make the toys. She can name the reindeer and tell you that Santa picked Dasher 'cuz he's the fastest' (and yes, it does say that in the old Rudolph book). She can tell you about Mrs Claus and that Santa likes milk and cookies to make his tummy fat. And that it shakes like jelly. He has a naughty and nice list and puts his finger aside his nose to get up the chimney. She knows he fills the stockings and comes down the fireplace. I'm sure there's more, but it is somewhat embarrassing that she knows so much. But for what it's worth, she knows the same amount of the real Christmas story and why we celebrate Christmas. She just doesn't seem to share that news as much.

She also is starting to have 'moments' with the baby in Mommy's tummy. When there's nothing else going on, she will come beside me, pull up my shirt and lay her head on my tummy "listening for the baby". She talks to the baby and kisses my tummy so sweetly, it makes me curious to know just how much of this affection will carry over once the baby is actually here.

She is also so sweet - seriously! When Brad got home from work the other day, wearing his normal work attire of slacks, dress shirt and coat and tie, she looked at him, " are so handsome!" And there are many occassions where she will tell me how beautiful I am and how delicious her food is. And I can't tell you the amount of times she has called me her best friend forever! I am not so sure how we ended up with such a beautiful child who has such a sweet nature. But then again, if you ask Brooke who made her so sweet, she will tell you, "God did."

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