Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas - Part One

Today we went to my sister's for an early Christmas dinner and gift exchange. Brooke got to see her cousins, aunt, and Nana. Even though the preparer broke her kneecap a couple days prior, the meal was still delicious (thanks Shannon!). Brooke had fun playing with the girls and the dogs :) .

Holding Boo - you could see Boo thoroughly enjoyed this special treatment (note sarcasm), but this was probably the highlight of Brooke's trip ironically enough...
Exchanging presents - whenever Brooke handed out a present, she was sure to say "Merry Christmas"...She's really getting good at this unwrapping stuff now..."Look at my shirt everyone!"..."Whoaaaaa! Check this out Mommy!"This present was as big as Brooke!
The girls (Kelli and Micah) enjoying their early Christmas present - a Nintendo Wii...

Brooke and Shannon cuddling watching them play...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great day. Thanks for coming and all of your help. I couldn't have operated that microwave without you. Ha-Ha. However, the cuddling was the best part. Love You!!! Shan