Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas - Part Two

Today after church, we went and had lunch with Brad's side of the family - the WHOLE extended family. I think there were close to 50 people there. So, we had lunch at a nice hotel here in town (courtesy of Brad's grandmother), took a short break then headed over to his aunt's house to do a white elephant gift exchange. You know, where everyone picks a number, then chooses a gift, you can steal gifts from anyone prior to you, etc etc. So, as you can imagine, with about 40 people playing the game, it lasts over two hours!!! It gets pretty loud but is a lot of fun and a good chance to see and visit with those we don't get to see all too often. Brooke, of course, spent her time hanging out with Chad. She missed her nap though because of it and was so sleepy come five o'clock that she went to bed just after 7!
So, below are some pics I thought I would share. Oh...and out of the gift exchange we took home a gift card to Best Buy and a gift card to Barnes and Noble - not too bad! :)

Just before lunch, Muna (the one who started this clan - she's over 90!) and her children pose for a pic. From left to right, Muna, Meridon, Bill, Sandie, and Elaine...

Chad and Brooke Starting the buffet line, "Daddy I want that one!"...The room full of family...The 'kids' table...Brad and Brooke in the lobby by the fountain...Brooke and "Sammy"...
Let the chaos (er....I mean, gift exchange) begin...

Our family outside

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