Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Daddy...I need money!"

That's a phrase we didn't think we would be hearing quite yet! As a Sunday School home project, Brooke got this little paper house that serves as a coin bank. Along with it comes a calendar with instructions on it for each day. It will say something like - "For each closet in your house, deposit 15 cents." or "Be thankful you have running water...for each faucet in your house, deposit 30 cents". This obviously coincides with Thanksgiving, so when the month of November is over, she takes her house (full of coins) and turns it in to her Sunday School class. All the proceeds go straight to Habitat for Humanity. So each day as we sit at the dinner table, I read aloud the instructions and add up how much we need to deposit for the day. Then Brooke tells Daddy how much she 'needs'. It's quite funny actually to listen to her be so demanding! That she needs money! Ahhh...they start so young! Anyway, I think it's a great idea and a great project. Even though Brooke may not get the full concept of money and the responsibility of it all, she will understand that she has been placing 'money' in the bank over the course of the month and then she will be giving it to others. I don't think it's any too soon to start her on a path of giving. And she loves it and looks forward to it each day!

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