Sunday, November 11, 2007

Singing in Church

We got notice a couple weeks ago that Brooke's Sunday School class would be singing in church this Sunday. AAACK! I mean she knows the songs and sings them quite well actually, but will she do it in front of the whole congregation at church? Compared to most things, she actually does pretty well in church. She goes to Sunday School and we can leave her sometimes with her teacher and she does ok by herself. She goes to the front by herself (and friends) for the Children's Message every other Sunday. She walks up with us for communion to get her blessing and even had to go up once all by herself for Faith Stepping Stones (where they recognize the youngest kids starting Sunday School). So I think she feels pretty comfortable in church doing these things. But singing??? YIKES!

So, anyway, today was the big day. They had a 'practice' during normal Sunday School class time. She freaked out a little bit, but then once she realized she could be by her 'boyfriend' Samuel and that Mommy wasn't going too far either, she did ok. It was so cute....Samuel realized Brooke was a little scared (and he was not!) so he put his little arm around her and held her hand. He is so protective of her! He's only a couple months older than her, but they have known each other through church and Kindermusik since the ripe old age of 6 months! Anyway, so during the practice she didn't do much singing, but she sat there and looked pretty. :) Then it came time to do it in church and she actually belted out a little to 'Jesus Loves Me' until she realized she could hear herself, then she quieted down a bit in embarrassment.

Also, it was a special day today: Veteran's Day. So, later in the service, she went down for the Children's Message (by herself) and they let all the kids hand out carnations to all the veterans present in the congregation. Coincidentally since Daddy's a veteran, Brooke got to hand her carnation to her own Daddy. It was very special and sweet.

So, I've included two short videos of the performace today, as well as some still pictures from 'practice'. You can see me sitting on the floor in front of her in the pink shirt (Brooke is in a green dress).

Still pictures from practice...first, Samuel trying to make sure Brooke was ok (they sat down during practice):

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