Thursday, November 15, 2007

Her first EVER antibiotics


Yes, Brooke is now on her first ever round of antibiotics. She made it over two and a half years before needing any. I was kind of proud actually. (It's the little things in life after all.)
She has a spot on the inside of her thigh that looks similar to diaper rash...a little red, chafed spot about the size and shape of a dime. Problem's been there for two months at least! And she's not in diapers anymore! We've tried treating it with diaper rash cream, prescription diaper rash cream (leftover from a time before...I refer to it as 'liquid gold' it works so well), anti-fungal cream, and hydrocortisone. Nothing will make it go away. When we were treating it religiously, it would fade in color, but never go away completely. And when we would lay off the creams for a couple days, it would get more yucky. So, I finally decided to take her in to see what this was all about.
The Dr. said it was just a small irritated spot that got infected after she continuously 'messed with it'. So, he labelled it a 'bacterial infection', gave us an oral antiobiotic and a stronger prescription-strength hydrocortisone cream. I was a bit sad to have to put her on antibiotics for the first time ever, but hopefully it will help.
Also, while we were there, Brooke got a flu shot. I didn't warn her of this beforehand (I always like to make the Dr's office a fun visit) and only spoke of her getting a shot after the Dr left the office, but before the nurse came in with the needle. I reminded her of how she was there when Mommy got a shot (at my OB) and held Mommy's hand. But didn't talk it up too much to make too big of deal out of it. So the nurse came in, told me I'd need to hold her hands just in case she tried to reach down for the needle, so I told Brooke to hold my hands like she held Mommy's. She held both of my hands, watched the needle go in, and didn't even flinch!!! WHAT?!?!?! Can you believe it?!?!?! No flinching, no screaming, no crying, nothing. If I hadn't seen the needle go in with my own two eyes, I would've doubted she even got a shot! It was crazy! I swear that was not my daughter there that day! But nonetheless I was so proud of her! And she was proud of her band-aid! :)

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