Thursday, November 29, 2007

Brooke's school pictures

I hesitate to even post these pictures. In my opinion, these are perhaps the worst pictures we have of her. I don't think I even mentioned the day in previous blogging history. She absolutely refused to have her picture taken that day. Threw a complete fit, a total meltdown, screaming, crying, the whole nine yards. I was fortunate enough that since I work at the school, I was able to go down and sit with her and try to calm her down. But really, even that didn't work. Though I'm not sure how the photographer even managed to snap a picture where she was not screaming. Anyway, so here's the picture and you can certainly tell she was not happy and can even see the tears and redness in her eyes. :(


Kendra said...

Oh my goodness! It's really funny because she still looks so cute! You have to keep those and show her when she gets older. She will have a laugh at that!

Big Fat Gini said...

Oh Brandy, I think it's still good! She's such a beautiful little girl, happy or sad. Definitely save it.