Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Brooke's first haircut

So today was the big day. It's been over 2 and 1/2 years! No haircut till now. It took FOREVER to grow out her hair long enough to put up in pigtails, then a ponytail, then braids. And now, the time has come to get it cut. It was bittersweet and much harder on Mommy and Daddy than Brooke I'm sure. She has such pretty blonde, fine hair. But really over the last month or so, it has really gotten 'scraggelly' at the ends. About the last inch or so stays tangled and trying to brush it out is a nightmare and ends in hair being literally pulled out! So, we took her this afternoon to her first haircut. *sniff..sniff*
The lady there was super nice and friendly. They have this cool racecar chair for kiddos to sit in. We didn't prepare Brooke at all. It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment decision anyway. One that we had been thinking on, but just didn't know when we were actually going to do it. (I'm telling ya...this was traumatic!) So we didn't prepare her at all, just went right in and told her, "let's go get your haircut...come on, here's a fun chair to sit it!" Yea, right. She wasn't too keen on the racecar chair. So, the stylist was very understanding and I recommended she just sit on my lap. She was more than willing to do that and even got to watch a video while she trimmed away!
I think most of the time Brooke didn't even realize what was happening. She was much too enthralled with 'Cars'.
And even when she had to brush her hair in her face and do different things to make sure it was even all around, Brooke didn't seem to mind. And here's the finished product! Still cute as ever isn't she????
Of course I am way over-dramatizing this. Of course its no big deal. TO YOU!

Just kidding. It wasn't that bad and her hair does look much better and healthier. I didn't want to go for bangs just yet. Not sure how I would like that look on her and it might end up being more trouble than it's worth. So we just went for a trim. After we were done, I stuck around and got my own hair cut (though I won't bore you with any pics of me) and when we got in the car, I swear Brooke didn't even realize anything had happened to her hair. She asked us..."I wanna go get MY hair cut." We tried telling her she already did. She kept insisting. So finally we had to show her her hair that had been cut off. Yes! Of course we saved those first precious locks!

1 comment:

IamtheMom said...

She is getting SOOOO big. What a cutie :)