Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Baby Update! - 13 weeks

So we went to the doctor again today. Not much change. She did another ultrasound and we got to see the baby again. Cute little person! It's amazing the change in just a short month! It really is amazing to see the changes and to really see the baby growing. You see when pregnant with Brooke, I only got an ultrasound at 8 and 20 wks, so you can imagine there was quite a difference. This time we are really able to see a graduated growth, if that makes sense. And it really is so awesome this little creation!

Anyway, the cyst is the same pretty much - not much bigger, not much smaller, so they're still going to monitor it. They also have this new test that they do now where they take measurements from the ultrasound and test your blood (not the triple screen...different), then do another blood test in 4 wks. Somehow compare them? And it tells you with 90% accuracy the probability of Down's Syndrome. So, while she was looking around, she got the measurements to do that too. Of course this little baby Scott is just as stubborn as our first. He/she was sleeping the whole time and would not move into the right position. She poked around, made me cough a bunch, tried sitting up, on both sides, poked some more, shook things around and still nothing, except an occasional jumpy move or something. We were in there I bet 30 min with her trying to get the little peanut to move! Of course I didn't mind staying there all day if it meant to watch my newest blessing sleep peacefully. But finally she told me to go have my appt and come back. I did, he/she was moving around great then and she got the measurements fine.

The doctor, as expected, couldn't give me any great relief or news I didn't know about the constant migraines. So I don't know what to do....*sigh*... And she gave me a new prescription for the all day sickness. I forget the name - not Zofran, something with an 'R'. She said it wouldn't make me sleepy so we'll see.

The tech told me she could usually tell around 14 wks the sex and I'm 13 tomorrow! (actually measuring 13 now - I'm a fast baby grower ) So, at next visit we should find out anyway. Now my belly is all sore from the poking around but it sure was nice to see the little baby and hear the heartbeat.

Brooke was there with us and got to see the baby too. Since the baby actually looks like a baby now, I think she's 'getting it'. She even found a toy in the car on the way home that played music and said, "Mommy we can play this toy to help wake the baby up!" :) Cutie!

PS - We did get another picture where you can really tell there's a baby in there I promise! But my computer is down right now so I'm not able to scan the photo in. I hope to edit that in later.

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