Monday, October 15, 2007


So as you can tell, we went to a local pumpkin patch yesterday and took a lot of pictures! While it's not a *real* pumpkin patch with pumpkins growing that you pick off the vine, this local church did have a LOT of pumpkins of all different sizes. Brooke picked hers out right away (as you see below) and then we bought a bigger one to carve later in the week. The weather was great (a little windy) and Brooke had a blast. I know this post might be a little picture heavy, but really we got so many good pics, it was hard to choose which ones to share. And even now I felt like I left some good ones out!

This is Brooke with her best friend Trinity. I had to include this pic - it was just too cute not to share! What a couple cuties they are!
And apparently, the hay on the ground was just as much fun (if not more) than all the pumpkins since the girls enjoyed rolling around in it so much.

In other news, we have begun work on Brooke's closet in her new room. She will have a much smaller closet (space-wise) in her new big-girl room, so we have cleaned it out and Brad has begun re-doing it to make more efficient use of the space - adding shelves, closet maid storage, etc. So far, everything is out (the old rods, shelves, etc) and he has painted the inside. We also bought some of the closet storage systems and that has been put together. So now all that's left is to put it all together inside the closet and voila! Then after that, I hope we can start 'fixing' the walls (spackling up nail holes and such) and then it will be down to painting. Which will be very hard on me to have to pick the colors.
Anyway, after her new room is all done (hopefully in a couple months), we'll make the move and then her old room will become the baby's room. I just want to move her well in advance of the baby getting her so it doesn't seem like the baby is getting her room - even though that's kinda what's happening. But you know what I mean.
So unfortunately, Brad has to do all the painting and stuff himself. But he's doing a great job!
Baby #2 is still doing ok and I'm still feeling his/her effects on my tummy. But I have learned that I HAVE to eat snacks throughout the day and it does help a tiny amount with the nausea.
Well, that's all for now! Brooke is calling and ready to get up now!

1 comment:

Cristi said...

such cute pics of you all!