Friday, October 12, 2007

Our first ultrasound

Ahhh......(sigh of relief)....for 1) little Baby Scott is doing great, has a healthy heartbeat, and measuring right on schedule, and 2) there is only one baby! :)
We finally went in today to see the doctor for our the initial OB appt. They did and ultrasound, which just looks like a blob right now, but this blob had a healthy heartbeat. So we are pleased about that! Also, the tech said she only saw one baby so that's always good. I don't know why but I had a fear of there being two in there, plus everyone else was trying to scare me into thinking that.
Also, the baby was measuring a little bigger than expected and after talking to my doc about previous history and my cycles, she bumped the due date up to May 15. Which is good news to me. I was worried a little. See Brooke was born 2 wks early....very much full term. And since I had a Csection with her, I'll need another one. They don't like you to go into labor on your own so they usually plan for a Csection a week or so early. But had they not bumped the date up, I was fearful that should this baby follow Brooke's precedent, I would have been going into labor before they scheduled a Csection. So now that my due date stands at May 15, all should be safe.
We talked a bit of my 'morning' sickness and she gave me a prescription for phenergan. However it may make me sleepy, so we'll see. Also, she gave me a safe prescription for my migraines. She said it might make me nauseas, but that I can follow with phenergan if need be. And it also might make me sleepy. So I don't know. I guess I'll just see how it goes. I hate the thought of taking any meds, even if they are 'safe'.
The only other bit of semi concern is that when they were doing the ultrasound, an ovarian cyst showed up. And a rather large one at that. She said that may explain some of the pain I have had and can't believe based on how large it was that I didn't do any further complaining. Also, it is surprising that we were able to get pregnant so quickly and easily - another affirmation that God really had a hand in this. Anyway, other than providing a shadow over the baby (which is why the picture is a little dark), there is no real danger at this point. They will continue to monitor it and this only further guarantees I will need a Csection. And it means I get another ultrasound at the next visit! And any chance to take a peek at little Baby Scott is good news.
I also had lab work done, after several attempts to try to draw blood (not fun). I was at the doctor for almost 3 hrs!!! total. I was not expecting that. Brooke was there with us and got to see the picture of the baby on the TV and she did really well through the whole visit.
Anyway, I suppose I've rambled on enough for now. Enjoy the first picture of our newest 'B' family member. And please keep praying for a healthy baby, pregnancy and that this cyst to cause no other problems.


Unknown said...

Hey girl.. sorry to hear of the morning sickness. I had it horribly too. After I started losing weight because of being sick all the time, all day and night and sometimes in the middle of the night, they gaveme an anti nausea but it wasn't phengran, it was, which doesn't make you tired at all. It was a life saver for me. They tried to give me phengran but I told them I couldn't take that because Josh was at home with me during the summer and I couldn't be trying to fall asleep all the time. It's completely safe and like I said, worked miracles for me. Give me a call sometime soon. If you call on Sat. for the next 3 Sat's I won't be able to call you back until after 3:30 because of some stupid training all teachers new to the district have to go through. Anyway, feel better soon and hope to hear from you!

Unknown said...

Oops- forgot to put the name of the antinausea in there. It's worth checking out in case the phengran just wipes you out. Zofran 4mg was what they gave me.

Julia said...

Congratulations Mommy B!!!!!!! :)