Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fallfest and Carving a pumpkin

Yesterday we went to a Fall festival at the Children's Museum. They had lots of booths set up with different bouncers, games and crafts for the kids to do. And a bunch of free samples, gifts, etc. It was free to get in, then you had to pay for the activities. Well, I guess we lucked out since Brooke didn't want to do any of the activities. But we got lots of free coloring books, colors and more. And she did like the firetruck, seeing the cow being milked (you know you're in Texas!), and the shaved ice she shared with Mommy. Plus the weather was absolutely beautiful!

And then after nap, Brooke got to help Daddy carve the pumpkin we got at the pumpkin patch last weekend. Granted she really didn't like to get her hands dirty (who could blame her? she IS a girl!), but she liked 'helping' Daddy by pulling the pieces out he cut.
And just for fun, I threw this picture in. I finally braided her hair for the first time in pigtails. Pretty cute isn't she? So afterwards, her hair went from this...... this!


Megan said...

Looks like a great time!! I LOVE the braided pigtails. Makes me want to have a little girl :)

Julia said...

I love the crimping hair! I used to love that when I was a kiddie! It was great to see you at Fall Fest, I'm glad Brooke found fun things to do admist the scariness!