Saturday, June 21, 2014

End of school and awards

Towards the end of school, life gets cuh-razy!  It seems a parent is up at the school every day all day for some kids' awards ceremony, principal awards, picnics, grade level awards, whatever.  The last week is crazy.  So I'm combining it all in a nutshell.

Brenna had grade level semester awards in her room a few days before school ended...

They did candy bar awards and she rec'd the butterfingers award for having the ease of writing come off her hands....  here's a quick video

Brooke then had grade level awards for the 6 weeks later that same day...

She got all A's, perfect attendance for the last six weeks.  And the six weeks before.  And the six weeks before (in case I missed posting about it)...

The last day of school for my Kindergartener and my 3rd grader -

Morning of was principal awards - for the whole school.  Brooke was recognized for All A's, 1 B (for the whole year), being a Bluebonnet book reader (only 1 of 8 kids in the school did this...and she got another $10 Barnes and Noble card), and being a 2 millionaire! 

Coincidentally, most of the bluebonnet book readers were from the 3rd grade actually.  And I've heard that that is partly due to Brooke.  She got several of them "into" it.  :)

After principal awards, Brooke had end of year (candy bar without the candy) awards in her classroom.  She was awarded the Sweet Tart award for being the sweetest!  <3 p="">

Meanwhile, while all this was going on at school, the Kindergartner's took off and had a day long picnic in the park for their last day of school.  FUN!  So after Brooke's awards, I headed off to the park to participate in some events there.  I got there just in time for lunch at least! :)

Daddy brought her favorite - Whataburger! 

After the picnic, the kids headed back to the school with only a couple of hours left in the day.  They came back and crashed and watched a movie.  Brenna got the teacher chair and kicked back.  :P

Around this time, the 5th grade graduation began so the rest of the school had last day of school fun time.  Kindergarten was watching a movie.  Apparently, 3rd and 4th graders have a whipped cream toss tradition.  Teachers toss whipped cream in the air while the kids take turns trying to catch it in their mouths.  Yea.  Good messy fun!  I didn't make it back in time to witness Brooke's turn, but after this fun time, they also filled water balloons and let the kids take a shot at the teachers!  Now that was fun.  :)

Along the same lines, here is the kids major art project for the year that we will get framed.  They area always sooo good!  Thanks to a fabulous art teacher! 

And Brenna's class (all the Kinder classes actually) created class shirts that are soooo cute!  They got to draw their own person, sign their own name and the company created the shirts!

And all was done for the year.  We took our obligatory end of year picture with the teachers and came home ready for SUMMER!!!!

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