Saturday, July 13, 2013

A night walk

As of this writing, we've had some temps in June that reached 106-107.  June, people!!!  June.  Ugh...  It was awful.  So, so much for me running outside these days right?  I try to make it to the gym occasionally and keep up with it on the treadmill.  But, then we got to the first of July or so and had a nice little cool front come through.  Normally I joke about it when they say 'cool front' in July.  Yea, whatever!  But no, this time...for real.  We had mornings in the mid 60's!  It was nice!  (for a few days anyway ;) So we got to for a nice family walk one evening!

Of course, it was on this same walk that we were being stalked by two hawks!  They were a bit creepy, watching up, appearing to be ready to pounce any moment.  I think it was the dogs that really offended them.  Brooke was so funny and was a bit freaked by them.  But was still with it enough to pick up Bailey and protect him - LOL

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