Thursday, May 23, 2013

Softball end of season

Brenna's first softball season came to a close last week.  Safe to say she loved it.  She's sad its over and she has no other games left and cannot wait till Fall Ball.  She started super early (before she was 5!!!) so I bet by the time she's Brooke's age (assuming she still likes it and wants to play), she'll probably be really good.  We'll see.  Here's some highlights...

She was so thrilled to get her own trading card!  Her end of season party will actually be a AT/DURING a Bombers game (the Bombers sponsored her team).  She will get to go to their opening game (with her family of course!), get announced on the field, pizza, cupcakes, the whole nine yards.  Pretty cool she got to play on this team right?  At that time, they will also hand out their trophies.  :)

Brooke's regular season is over too.  She continued to improve throughout the year as well.  She got more consistent with her hitting (which we hope will get even better w new glasses so she can actually SEE the ball) and was a part of a GREAT team.  Her coach is awesome, at teaching the girls and at making sure they have fun first and foremost.  All their hard work and most of all, their camaraderie pushed them to earn the spot as FIRST PLACE TEAM in their division!  Wow!  Way to go Cougars!!!  

Brooke was so fortunate to play on THIS team THIS year.  The kids (and parents) are all great and the girls really enjoy playing together...which therefore means they play WELL together.  

So, while they got their trophies for regular season (and end of year party is soon to come), they will get to play in the State Tournament in mid July waaaaay far away from here.  Kind of exciting and should be super fun to expose them to all this!  In the meantime, July is kinda far their coach hopes to get them in some littler tournaments and scrimmages to keep them going and practicing.  They need money though!  So bring on fundraisers and sponsors.  Let me know if you have any connections.  ;)

Here's some highlights from her regular season play...

Dunking the coach with snow cones (who uses Gatorade anymore?? :P) after the win that determined their 1st place standing.  :)

Getting trophies...

#1 Cougars!

The top 2 teams, after their final (makeup) game, which the Cougars won by the way.  ;)  

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