Sunday, May 19, 2013

My not so new day job

Just thought I'd share a little piece of my corner of the world.  Most of my photoshoots are on location, using natural light.  I'm not too typically fond of the studio look.  However, every once in a while (most often with newborns), I use backdrops, props, and extra lighting, etc.  I've perfected a nice little portable setup for that I think.  People buy these things!  And I've made one.  Take a looksy...

This particular setup was for a preschool school pictures session(s).  So.  I needed three backdrops, easy to get to.  That I couldn't change back and forth, cuz I'd be bringing kids in right after each other.  Sooo...on one side is a gray backdrop with a chair and toy box.  This side is facing the main light source if you notice (a wall of windows faces it)  The other side (that you can't really see in the pic) is just a solid green/blue/yellowish backdrop with no props...just a stool...that I used for closeups.  I could've rotated it around each time to get the best lighting scenario, but I didn't have that much time in between so I worked with what I had (used some reflectors), giving the best lighting access to my favorite setup.  So each kid (that ordered) got one pic with each setup.  Then, for the graduating preK kids, I had a solid black backdrop behind the gray that I could flip up and access quickly. (again on the 'good' lighting side)  The class pictures with teachers were taken against a wall that was brightly painted a solid color.  All done in one room and it went soooo well.  All of this is on my portable backdrop  holder that has wheels so I can move it and breaks down small enough to fit in my car...aka a clothes rack that rolls (you know the kind?  that you like to use at garage sales for clothes?  In fact, you can probably see it in the picture I posted a couple days ago from the garage sale...haha!  super multi tasker I am).  Yea.  Genius right?  Then I nab some of Brad's clamps to clamp down my fabrics and voila!  Perfect.

End results?  Well, I'll show my kid's pictures anyway to give you an idea.

Not a huge fan of this backdrop (the teacher preferred it to others I had though...and it was completely different to give parents a completely different look.....*shrugs*)

 but I did like the black and white versions of these (ea parent got a original and black and white).....

But I LOVE the graduation pics.  Awww!  My BABY is going to Kindergarten soon...

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