Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Softball and popsicles

I love that the girls have something that they both enjoy doing.  Together.  Now they are both playing softball and can practice together in the backyard.  So fun.  They like to switch off, behind catching/throwing, to batting.  Having Brad pitch while one bats, one plays catcher.  On the way to a softball game one day, Brenna said, "you know...I like to bat best."  Brooke replies, "I don't like to bat."  Brenna: " Well, what?  You like to glove Brooke?"  LOL

Gotta love her stance!  When her eye/hand coordination really works itself out and she really starts hitting these balls regularly, she might be a big time slugger!  :)

And always fun to end a practice with popsicles...

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