Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Brooke participated in her second Guild competition a couple weeks ago.  Its kinda like the final exam for piano.  She has to play 7 songs, memorized (with effects, dynamics, etc), know all her major scales and cadences that go with them (plus this year a few minor scales to match the songs she was playing), and be able to transpose a piece of music to two different keys other than what is written.  All of this is done in front of a judge in a room by herself and she gets scored/rated.  Way earlier (before she had it totally perfected for the judge) I made (with Brad's help on the editing end) a video compilation of all her Guild songs from this year. Love.  (you have to turn the volume way up...its very quiet otherwise for some reason)

I say the name of the song first, but its so quiet you can't hear me..haha.  So here's the list of songs in the order she plays them here...

Little Indian Lance
Morning Has Broken
Cops and Robbers
Morning Prelude (her first pedal song and a Hymn Festival song)
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (also was her recital song this year and the other Hymn Festival song)
Alouette (her favorite I think)

So, the highest score you can get is a Superior Plus, Brooke scored a Superior.  The judge asked for a LOT of the 'hard' scales and that was her only negligent markings on her score sheet really.  

The certificate (above) showing her participation in Guild, along with her medal.  Then below is the back of the card that shows her songs, scales and the ratings and comments that go along with each.

This medal I chose to include even though its from waaaay back when, in the Fall, when she took her Theory test.  For some reason, she just recently got the medal.

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