Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Hope everyone is having a fabulous Mother's Day.  (and sorry, I'm behind on blogging....again! playing catchup now)

I'm not going to pretend to enjoy or really appreciate this 'holiday'.  I find it kind of annoying actually.  And now that *I* am also a mom, I feel I have a right to say so.  We should really appreciate our moms and dads and families every day.  I don't think the card companies of the world should dictate or make us feel that we should go spend a ton of money on flowers or gifts or cards (have you seen the price of cards lately?!?!  ugh....)  We should do nice things anyway!

But I go along with it as to not irritate anyone else.  We sent our moms flowers and fruit arrangements.  I really insisted on Brad not getting me ANYTHING.  I would much rather him spend money on a trip to HEB or something.  LOL

But Saturday, we got out and were running errands so we stopped by the Running they were having one of the famous "Mother's Day sales" 15% and get a free Tshirt.  So, I finally broke down and got me some real running shoes....that Brad paid for (Happy Mother's Day to me!).  My last shoes were probably 10 years old (not joking).  And now, that I am officially registered to run a 5K in 3 short weeks, have been training every day, etc...I felt I could finally grimace and spend the big bucks on a pair of decent shoes.  Here they are:

Fancy huh?  I'm not particularly fond of the current trend of wild and crazy colors, but man...they sure do feel good to my feet!  :)

And here's me in my free Tshirt:

Funny story - I asked for an XL.  Which is already down a size from what I would've normally asked for probably.  Got home, tried it on, sure enough...its a little tight.  Wear-able, but not big and baggy like I would've used to prefer.  I was bummed.  Dangit!  I KNEW I should've gotten a 2X.  Sigh.....  Then I took it off, check the size.  Heck no baby!  It was a size Large!!!  They gave me the wrong size, a whole 'nother size SMALLER...and it fits!  Pretty durn good huh?  So, I'm keeping my large.  :)

I also got treated to a gift card for manicures and pedicures for me and the girls (fun girls day coming up people!!!)

and several of the best gifts ever - homemade gifts from the girls...well, school made anyway...  Take a look:

First...Brenna's gift, which is so appropriate since she LOVES jigsaw puzzles.  :)

It has a magnet on the back - soooo cute!  And attached was a handmade card:

Now, if you are unable to read phonetically, it says, " Mommy, you're the best.  Can we please go to DisneyWorld? From Brenna"

Gotta love her initiative.  :)  And, she informed me, the little piece of paper on top you see is a bookmark with my name on it.  Love!

She also drew me this picture to go along with it...

And at Sunday School, she made me this:

You knew it had to include some bugs, particularly roly polys, a beetle, an ant, and a ladybug.

Next up, is Brooke's!  Brooke, who brought home her bag for me from school on Friday and insisted it must wait till Sunday.  Love that she likes to keep a surprise.

notice the camera inside the heart?  that's my girl!

Love reading her answers to these...

Awkward?  (spelled wrong)  Really?  Thanks, hon.  I am kinda proud that she chose "running" as her R word.  Yea, baby.  That's right!

And coupons!  Gotta love the coupons...

And here's Brooke's present FOR me on Mother's Day...

Yea.  Not kidding.  I just hope it works!  If you've ever been lucky enough to get a whiff when she takes her shoes off.....whew!  It'll knock you over.  Thanks Toms.  They are the worst.  So hopefully this does the trick (got at the running store also ;) )

Mother's Day we went to church and met up with family afterwards for a nice brunch at the Country Club.

Then home to relax and do nothing (ok...not really.  I'm blogging and burning discs from shoots I've had, Brad's gardening...but its 'fun' work).  A great day!

So Happy Mother's Day everyone!  Hope its been a great one for you too!

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