Monday, May 13, 2013

Brad's garden

So we are waaaaay behind on gardening this year.  I have been so busy with my photography business.  Enough so that I recently decided to quit my job as a newborn photographer with the hospitals.  I was just being run ragged.  And our compensation went down with the onset of new management was just time for me to get out.  So.  Finally...  I quit my (day) job and just have my photography business still going strong and keeping me so busy.  With all the distractions, we let the garden go a bit.  Then Brad decided he wanted to move it a tiny bit.  As in, move the whole garden up about 6 inches away from the fence.  Just enough so he could get the mower behind it.

Ok.  Well enough.  In so doing, he figured he'd till the garden up, put in new dirt, of course and all that good stuff.  Well....  that led to a little bit different design he wanted to do.  And, well.  You know how that goes.  So, 3 months later (haha!...probably not *that* long...), we have a new garden.  It turned out really nice I think.  He did a great job (even if it took a while longer than planned).

My favorite part?  The little bench seat.  :)

I typically like to plant stuff in early March, sometimes even late February.  Granted this year, to our benefit, we've had some cooler weather lasting longer into Spring, so maybe its not too big a deal.  But we are just now getting started on planting.  We didn't do too much this year for that reason.  But the garden was too pretty to leave it empty all spring/summer.  More to come!

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