Wednesday, May 15, 2013


We at least take the girls in for their annual checkups.

Brenna passed everything with flying colors, weighing in at 41.6 lbs and measuring 3'6", following her growth curve, coming in at 61% for weight and 40% for height.

Brooke however, did not have as good a time.  She weighed in at 51.2 lbs and measured 4'1", following her same growth curve, coming in at 24% for weight and 21% for height.  (and for what its worth, she was always at 50% too until she hit about 6.  So Brenna is definitely following suit so far.

Anyway, last year this time we discovered Brooke needed glasses....badly.  This year, I was all proud.  Made sure she took her glasses in and read the chart and all.  Yea.  Didn't go so well.  She failed the test AGAIN, miserably.  Couldn't even see the top E on the chart.  WITH glasses.  Ugh...

And I know she's not faking us out cuz she does not want to go back to the eye dr, so she was trying really hard.  So what does this mean?  Her glasses have been this off this whole time????  Or her eyes have gotten that much worse?  Sigh.............................................   :(

Either way, it kinda sucks.  Back to the eye dr we go.....  :(

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