Thursday, May 16, 2013

40th birthday

Brooke's school celebrated their 40th birthday recently.  A big party was had...complete with cake, alumni speakers, past principals/teachers spoke, the local news stations were there (a couple of local celebrities went to school here and came to the party!), free ice cream, a parade, a real big shebang.  It was quite impressive!

The hall was lined with memories, old pictures, awards (a multiple year blue ribbon school), people writing their memories of the school for a scrapbook, old artwork, not to mention all the people!!!

The library was the reception area (was supposed to be outside, but because of substantial rainfall it was moved inside last minute...and worked well!)

All the previous years' school shirts were hung from the ceiling in the cafeteria (I didn't get them all in the picture)....very cool! 

And everyone had paw prints!

The program was held in the cafeteria, where the school choir sung previous school songs, etc.  Our principal was given the original (now framed) blueprints for the school, and all the speakers remembered different teachers/principals (there have only been 4 principals in the 40 year school history!  impressive!) from the years past, and the mayor declared it Johnson day in the City.  Some speakers there even rode the bus over the very first year to attend the school!  

Then afterwards, a parade (which I didn't get photos of) of the kids currently enrolled with signs they made, etc...  then cake and ice cream for everyone!  So fun to be at the school when a cool event like this happens.  No one that doesn't attend school there can't understand what a great thing we have going.  And no one that DOES go to school there can explain it.  We love our school.  :)

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