Thursday, April 25, 2013

Run for Boston

With the attacks on the Boston Marathon last week, their was a campaign started small in our town leading to a nationwide following to run for Boston.  Run anywhere.  Run for however long.  Just wear blue and/or yellow, take a picture with a sign and share it to show the support for Boston.  I haven't mentioned it here yet, but I've been running pretty regularly these days (I'll share more on that at a later time).  Brad started out going with me and Brooke often goes with me.  Brenna...  well, she wants to but can't quite keep up yet.  Anyway, so we all donned our blue and yellow and took a picture before running that day (this was last week....4/17 deemed 'Run for Boston' day).  I did share it that day on the FB page for Run for Boston, but figured I'd share it here too.

Not much to be said about how awful the attack was...and then how horrible the explosion in West, Texas was  the same week.  So much tragedy and loss.  But out of all of this, so many great stories of heroism and caring and compassion.  One simple thing our family did.  But so many others are doing and helping so much more.  I'm in awe of the acts of kindness and the generosity.  Shows that even though it seems like our world is full of evil and sadness, there is so much more good still winning out.

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