Friday, April 26, 2013

Brenna is FIVE!!!

Today, my sweet baby girl turns 5 years old.  Hard to imagine.  5 years.  It goes by so fast.  Sounds so typical.  So cliche'.  But man, so so true.

Brenna came into this world quickly, easily, and for the most part, effortlessly.  She had a tough beginning, though, dealing w severe reflux, unhappiness, and uneasiness.  She quickly turned into a fun-loving, adventure seeking girl by the time she was one.  Which has led us through more than one broken bone, several traumatic injuries and sicknesses, and a girl with a real zest for life.

All kinds of life.  Her favorite thing - forever!!! - has been bugs.  Her old preschool teacher, Ms Lydia, used to say way back when (when she was only 2 years old) that Brenna's going to grow up to be an entomologist.  She could tell even then how much the kid loves bugs.  Still to this day.  She is constantly finding rare bugs, wanting to keep the bugs, getting upset at losing a bug or when a bug dies.  She recently fell in love w her cousin's pet lizard that they caught outside.  She wants one of her own now.  We've done the butterfly kits, grew ladybugs, kept roly poly's, and now, most recently she is excited to get a praying mantis.  Ew.

She really loves all kinds of animals, though.  Dogs, horses, cats, You name it.  She likes it.  She has a natural attraction to animals and they seem to have the same natural attraction to her.  I am ALWAYS hearing from pet owners how their dog just seems to love Brenna.  She gets that so often.

In fact, her favorite movie of all time (for probably 3 years running at least!) is Homeward Bound.  A close second?  Homeward Bound 2.  Her favorite song?  The theme song from Homeward Bound.  She sings it in her spare time.  She quotes movie lines.  I wish I could find Homeward Bound toys - she'd probably sleep in bed with them.  She seriously loves animals.

Brenna is the funny girl of the family.  She acts silly to get laughs.  But she is also VERY serious and cracks us up with her constant humor that is far too advanced for her age.  She 'gets' the adult humor, the quick remarks....heck, she makes them!!  There are way too many examples of funny things she says, does or whatever to list out here.  Dating back to when she was 2 years old!  I could never express her personality in words.

In the same breath, though, I can also say, she is still very shy.  Despite her outgoing-ness, I hear all too often from people that they never hear Brenna talk.  REALLY?!?!  It still shocks me.  But she is.  She is very shy.  I hate that people don't really get to know the "real" Brenna.  As her personality could fill a room!

She is also so sweet-natured.  She is quick to apologize, quick to hug (and boy is she a hugger!), quick to take up for her sister, quick to feel real remorse for a bad choice and make her own apologies.  She loves to snuggle.  She spills love out of every fiber of her being.  She makes you feel good.  I can't get enough of her honestly.  And hope she stays this way forever.  :)

However, she also will fight for what is right.  As I said, she takes up for her sister.  But she also fights against her sister.  If an injustice has been done (either to her or someone else) she will adamantly fight for what is right.  Sometimes she can be too rough or too opinionated or whatever...  but if we take a step back, 9 times out of 10, she is battling for the good cause.  She just doesn't always do it the right way.  ;)

Brenna is very sharp.  As I said, she figures out ways around things.  She thinks outside the box.  She is extremely good at jigsaw puzzles.  She can do a 100pc puzzle by herself in a short 30 min tops.  She is really that good at them!  She loves to write and draw.  We always find notes from her.  Most recently, she is in a habit of writing notes that say, "mommy, you're the best.  Love Brenna"  I'm not gonna lie.  I kinda like that habit.  :)

She is VERY ready to start Kindergarten.  While she may give me a run for my money at home, for others, she is very obedient.  She is NEVER the problem child and is always compliant at school and other arenas.  She is very independent and of course likes to get things done by herself.  She figures out how to do the deemed impossible, all by herself.

Brenna is a true joy to be around.  I couldn't imagine my life without her and just love being around her.  While I love the little person she is becoming, I can't believe she is already "so old".  I try to really be in the moment in my time with her, as I know very quickly, she'll be off to school and I'll be missing her so much.  My super big kid.  Happy Birthday Brenna Ann!

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