Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pictures from Easter day

So we started the day getting all prettied up....

Don't worry, the curls lasted all of 5 minutes.  Ugh. Seriously.  This was Brenna right after I fixed her hair....and the above picture was taken 2 min later.  Then within another 3 min the curls were completely gone.  :(

Then after breakfast, the girls built their nests outside for the Easter bunny...

And off to church!

First up was the annual Easter egg hunt at Church...

Brenna did not hunt.  First she got mad at Daddy, who wasn't coming to her aid fast enough...  then she got overwhelmed by all the kids going ninety to nothing collecting eggs.  So she stood there.  Did not pick up one.  single.  egg.  Not even the one sitting right by her food.  :/  

But luckily she has friends.  One of her sweet friends shared her eggs and Brenna still went home with quite a stash...

Then, after Easter service at Church, we headed home and found the goodies the Easter bunny had left in their nests as well as a HUGE amount of eggs (both candy filled and confetti eggs!) laying around the yard.

The amount of candy was insane.  But the girls had fun.  And we survived.  We are blessed.  And thankful for everything we have but most importantly thankful for the reason we celebrate Easter, Jesus!  

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