Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Aggie Softball

Ok.  I'm not gonna lie.  The Aggies get on my nerves around here.  The traffic, the bad driving, the long lines at restaurants, and their rudeness (yes...I said it.  They are rude).  But, I give them credit where credit is due - their athletic department is great.  I love how encouraging they are to kids, how the kids look up to them and they receive and appreciate it well.

Last weekend was Youth League day at the Softball game.  So the kids got in free wearing their jerseys.  Then afterwards they had a little clinic for the kids.

During the game, Brooke and Brenna got their picture with the President of A&M...

Then afterwards, they REALLY loved practicing w the Aggies.

Particularly #5.  First, because she wears their number, but it also helped that she hit a homerun in the game they just watched!!!  She's a celebrity!  So we had to get a picture w her and she signed their gloves.  :)

And when it was all over and done with, before leaving, they got to participate in the end-of-practice yell.  Which neither of the girls participated in, but oh well.  ....

(they are both on far side, facing camera...Brooke in bright blue shirt - next to girl in bright green shirt, Brenna a little further to the right in navy shirt - the short one..haha!)....

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