Monday, February 4, 2013

Basketball game

Gosh...she's had like 4 or maybe even 5 games and I was harshed for not taking any pictures!  Here I am, the photographer, not getting pics of my own kid's game.  Well..  I was waiting for something exciting to happen I guess.  Or waiting for a Saturday that I didn't have to work.  Neither of which has happened yet.  So I went ahead and pulled out my camera this past weekend and took a couple of pics at Brooke's game.

I love it being a Christian organization and that they pray before every game...not as just a team, but both teams, coaches, and referees together.

Don't worry.  I plan to bring my camera to the next couple games too.  So hopefully I'll get some 'better' shots.  You know, of her actually doing something.  This team is actually their toughest team.  And I by "toughest" I don't mean, hard to beat.  (they don't keep score anyway)  I mean, TOUGH.  They are aggressive, almost downright mean.  I am glad we aren't playing them again.  Brooke's team is by far the least aggressive team I do believe...and of all her team mates, Brooke is the least aggressive of them.  And this day, she happened to be guarding and guarded by THE MOST aggressive kid I've seen.  Seriously.  Girl was all up in her face all. the. time.  Even when Brooke didn't have the ball or when they weren't playing.  It was quite ridiculous.  And I think if they asked, Brooke would probably just give the other team the ball to avoid confrontation...haha! I kid, I kid.  But not far off base there.  Anyway, she's had a couple games where she's turned up the heat, but against this team, definitely not.  So hopefully my next camera outing, I'll get her on a easier game day for her.  :)

PS - I will add in this picture from a practice the other night...Brad took with his cell phone, when he said Brooke was on fire, stealing the ball, shooting the ball, dribbling down court fast...the one practice I missed of course.  Hmph! This picture is all I got out of the deal.  :/

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