Monday, July 2, 2012

Vacation Bible School! (x2!)

We LOVE Vacation Bible School every year.  The girls love it...its fun time at church...we love it...its 2 hours every night for a week of a break (ha!) and overall a win-win!  We also look forward to it each and every year.  Brooke and Brenna have both been going every summer since they were 2!  (I love that our church lets them start so young!)

This year, we snuck in to another VBS at a family member's church.  It was only for 3 nights and for a shorter time span each night, but I think the girls had fun!  I wasn't there for any of it, so the only picture I have is the one a mutual friend sent me of our two youngest girls making fast friends.  Aren't they cute??

Then the very next following week, we had our church's VBS.  This year the theme was a "Desert Journey with Jesus".  Themed music, decorations, food, and snacks.  Brooke and Brenna's cousins signed up to go this year.  And Brenna's new friend (seen above) and her older sister (who happens to be Brooke's age) also signed up.  So we had lots of extra friends around!  On top of all the normal 'church friends'.  VBS was a huge success and I think they ALL had fun this year.  :)

Some of the decorations...

New friends!....

They had a meal before (hamburgers, eggs/pancakes, fajitas, etc) that was for a free will donation only, then the opening in the sanctuary for all the kids...

Then they broke into their age groups (this is Brenna's classroom)...  where they did rotated through a lesson, games, and music ....

Then they finished up back in their room, sending the kids out at the end for snacks on the playground (and the snacks were goood!  cookies or watermelon or banana pudding/cookies n cream pudding and ice cream sundaes on the last night!)....

They also made quite a collection of things they brought home each night!  Everything from Tshirts to tamborines to door hangers to water cups and frisbees....and more!!!

Not sure why, but I love Brenna's job on coloring the next one.  The guy's face on the end and their food on each of their plates...just makes me smile.  :)

The only bad part of VBS?  How late we get home each night.  The girls bed time is usually 7:30 (ish) and we weren't done with VBS till 8/8:30 each night.  So it made for some late nights, but oh-so-worth it for the experience.  But each night we went w/o showers (ew!) till the next morning and the girls were pretty tired.  Evidence as seen below.... Ha!

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