Monday, July 23, 2012

Swim lessons, take 2

We let the girls do another round of swim lessons.  They have several different levels.  For kids under 5, they have Waterbabies, then Preschool classes - Preschool 1, 2, and 3, depending on your age, size, and abilities.  Then after that, they have just plain Level 1 through 6 I think.  Brenna's last session earlier this summer was Preschool 3, where she finished up just starting to swim on her own for short (SHORT) distances).  So when I registered her for the next session, her teacher assured me that she could and should move to Level 1.  When I signed her up, the people there were a tiny bit shocked that a 4 year old could be in Level 1.  Not that *I* wanted to push her, but her teacher insisted!  So, she was in a class with mostly 7 and 8 year olds.  Meanwhile, Brooke moved up (easily) to Level 4 where I registered her.  And ended up being in a Level 5 class when they assessed and started the session.

And sure enough, Brenna was the tiniest little girl in her class!  I don't even think she could TOUCH (the bottom) where they practiced at.  But she held her own that's for sure!

By the end of this session, Brenna is definitely an independent swimmer!  She can actually swim at least half the width of the pool completely on her own.  She loves to dive underwater - she might be our little diver actually.  But among the parents of the other kids in her class, she is the talk of the audience.  How little she is, how good a little swimmer she is..etc.  (you'll see for yourself in a minute on the videos)

And this might be my favorite picture of her right now.  You HAVE to notice her expression.  And you have to know the backstory.  Brooke and Brenna were in line to go down the slide next to each other (which doesn't happen too often, being in different classes and all).  So I snapped a picture.  But apparently, Brooke was trying to convince Brenna to go down the slide without her goggles on.  And told her if she did, she would give her a treat when they got home.  WHA?!  Hmph.  So, this look on Brenna's face is priceless!  "whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?"  LOL

Anyway, needless to say, when we got home and found out of this little deal, Brenna had in fact, gone down the slide w no goggles (even despite her teacher even telling her to put them on!), she did in fact get a nice treat from us.  Brooke, however, did not.  Sneaky girl.  ;-/

Brooke, speaking of, meanwhile, is one of two kids in her class, learning many new strokes, perfecting her breathing, getting more adept at swimming longer distances, etc.  And hardest for her - learning to dive.  Yea.  She's not there yet.  But poor thing tries awful hard.  Mind over matter, she just can't make her head go in the water first.  ;P  However at the end of her session, her instructor assured me she definitely needs to move up to Level 6 - where they tap out at.  She is still THE fastest swimmer in the pool, by far.

Here's some fun videos of their time at swim lessons this go-round:

Brooke swimming one of her many laps back and forth across the pool (they really work her out there!):

Brenna, after going down the slide - she can definitely get from Point A to Point B on her own, but tires easily (or runs out of breath) and doesn't have a good swimmers stroke going on yet. She would be much more reliable once she really 'gets it'... but I am SOOO proud - look at her go!


Brooke, perfecting her backstroke...


Brenna, jumping in and swimming to the instructor, then swimming back to the wall... (you can see they had her doing much better with her "big arms" strokes)...


Brooke in a larger group, playing "Mr Shark", where they race to the wall to avoid being 'eaten by the shark'. Brooke is in the pink goggles and you can see how fast she is and she beats everyone to the wall by a long shot!


Another trip down the slide for Brenna (she already made it in the water when the video starts) and swimming "all the way to the side by herself" afterwards...


And once more:


Those were some early on videos taken from the beginning of the session.  Here are a few from the last days.  She's come quite far!!!


Love this next one. If you watch closely... she jumps in from the side, swims to her teacher (the one with the "stamps" as she says...haha!), then she swims back to the side. On her trip back to the side, you can see her turn and look behind her, all while being underwater. Like, she was checking to make sure he was watching her. Ha!


Here, she actually has to maneuver around the instructor in the pool. :)


Last video (I know...its video overload, but I am so proud!!!). In this one, its Brenna's last trip down the slide, she does awesome of course, but you can also see Brooke jumping in on the other side of the pool. Ha! I got both kids in one video. Anyway, it was the last day and deemed "fun day", so the 'big kids' were having a jumping contest - who could make the coolest jump or something. Just fun stuff. Playing around. Meanwhile, Brenna swimming her little heart out!


My two little fish!  So proud! :)

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