Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Our Father's Day

We actually gave Brad his gifts the day before Father's Day, as Sundays are a little hectic trying to get ready for church and Sunday School and then going out for lunch afterwards with family, etc...  

So the girls each made him a card, which I thought were super cute (he did too).  There was no prompting from me on any of it - they did it all themselves.  :)

In her card, I suggested Brenna write or draw something that Daddy would like.  She wrote Darfadr (sounded out phonetically, spells - "Darf Vador"...or better known as "Darth Vador" - haha!)..

They each gave him a Kindle book related to dad things..  and I gave him a Kindle book as well.  

He also got a meat brander with one interchangeable brand that says "best dad".  

And the coolest thing - is a Striiv pedometer.  It is a pretty cool little gadget.  Not JUST a pedometer.  It tracks (very accurately I might add!) not only steps, but stairs...and offers timed challenges, etc.  Then, also you can get points, track your progress online and work towards a goal and also try to donate to charity based on your progress.  Most recently he has been donating polio vaccines.  Kinda cool, eh?  You can also build a community based on how much walking you do with little games and such they have.  Anyway....its pretty cool.  And he loves it and is quickly already addicted to it!  I find him walking around the house late at night trying to own up to a challenge they gave him or to try to finish to get a certain goal to give out a polio vaccine or something.  :)

And, because he always does it to me...for this present, he had to open a box, to find another wrapped box, to find another wrapped box and so forth.  :)

Anyway, so all that was fun. Then, like I said, for Father's Day, we headed out to church, went and had lunch with the family and gave Brad a relaxing day at home!  

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