Thursday, May 31, 2012


There is no one that is that thrilled that school is out around here.  Brooke was a teeny bit sad to miss her teacher that we love, Brenna was sad that she wouldn't see her friends anymore, I was sad to have to find stuff for them to do to occupy time, and my babysitters were sad that they are now on duty more full time.  ;-P

Anyway.  But, such as it is...  school's out.  I am way behind for all these postings so I'll try to stay in order.  First.  We had the last days of school.  Coming with that is awards ceremonies and programs and all that.

Starting with Brooke.

She rec'd her 1st grade awards first...the day before the last day of school.  This is where she got her medal for having....gasp!...200 AR points.  Top reader in her grade for sure.  She also got an award for 'creative storyteller' (the girl can write pretty durn good too!), award for all A's and perfect attendance and a few more thrown in too.

The next day (the last day of school) she participated in Principal Awards (for the whole school) where she rec'd an award for all A's all year and was recognized for being a million word reader (need I say it again??....the ONLY first grader to do so!).

She brought home tons of artwork and projects she's kept at school this whole time.

And some cabbage from their garden!  Haha!

We said some goodbye's to her friends and teachers and hope to stay connected over the summer some.

Now....  on to Brenna.

Poor Brenna.

The first time she's been excited about school.  The last 2 weeks.  She's actually WANTED to go to school.  She was singing her songs like crazy.  Loving the prospect of having her whole family come watch her program, etc etc etc...

And then.  She goes and gets sick.  Like, stomach virus sick.  Started on a Tuesday (last day of school was on Thursday - program Thursday night) and in true Brenna form...instead of a 24-hr bug lasting just that, she was sick for 7 straight days!  Not just a little sick.  Like, throwing up sick.  Diarrhea.  Loss of fluids big time...getting dehydrated.  Etc etc etc etc etc......  Just when we would think she was better and had pepped up some, she'd get up at 2 in the morning and puke her guts out.  :(

One of those times was Thursday afternoon.  She missed the entire last week of school, but Thursday afternoon she pepped up, she had never run fever and hadn't thrown up for 24 hrs.  She wanted to go to the program.  We thought she was over it!  So we took her down there.  And within 15 minutes, she was feeling cruddy again so we left.  Poor thing.  She did sing one song.  "ALL" these pictures were taken in a span of about 8 minutes.

And here's the video...  (and you can tell she's not all into it)

The last one you can see her exit gracefully and decide to go home.  Poor girl.  :(
We got her 'diploma' later from her teachers...

So we left, came home to a pity party and nursed her back to health, slowly but surely.  Now, she's back to 'normal' and in full swing raring to go!  The other day I told her, "Man.  I sure am glad to have the old Brenna back.  To not have you sick anymore.  I don't like you being sick."  She looked at me, in all seriousness, and said, "Mommy.  this isn't the old Brenna.  This is the NEW Brenna."  Love that kid.  :)

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