Thursday, May 24, 2012

More Mother's Day?

I have a late mother's day present to show you!  It arrived in the mail AFTER Mother's Day and I finally got around to 'fixing' it up.

Brad got me this retractable badge holder thingy.  I had one, yes.  But this one?  This one holds a picture!  Eek!  (it's the little things, people)  So cute!  My only dilemma?  How to change out the picture as frequently as I *take* pictures.  LOL

I suppose...  I just realized, in fact... I never informed my readers (all 5 of y'all) that I got a job.  Like, I have an employer now.  :P  I still have my own business, of course.  You can see it here.  And while you're at it, go like me on Facebook! :)

But anyway.  Besides all that.  And besides me still being a "stay at home mom" for the most part.  And besides me still "volunteering" pretty much full time at Brooke's school.  I now have another paying part time job.  I work for a company called Our365 Newborn Photography.  That's right.  I am a professional newborn photographer working at the 2 hospitals (soon to be 3?) in our town.  I rotate with 2 other photographers to cover both hospitals 7 days a week.  We photograph each day of the week so as to not miss any moms/new babies.  I start the day photographing at 9 (usually get there about 8:30 to get organized and prepped) and stop when all babies have been photographed for the day.  Most days, I get off between 1p-3pm.  I don't work every single day.  As I mentioned there's 2 other photographers so we have off days.  We do photograph on weekends, though too.  So I have every 3rd weekend that I work, another 3rd weekend I'm on call (if its way too busy for just one to cover both hospitals) and then one of those 3 weekends I am off completely.  During the week, its sporadic, but I do have some off days.

Its seriously THE most perfect job for me.  1) I get to cuddle babies all.  day.  long.  (and therefore get my 'baby fix' ;), 2) I really only mostly work while the girls are at school, sometimes going over, but not by much, 3) I still have off days where I go and volunteer at Brooke's school and be a part of everything going on with both the girls at school.  I can't go as much as I was going, but I am still very much there A LOT.  I'm also still VERY involved with PTO, etc and all the goings ons at the school.  and 4) I get to take pictures!  For a living!  and possibly get some new clients out of the deal for the future for MY business.  Its a win win really.

So far, I have been working for about a month or so, going through some pretty extensive orientations (to be able to be on the grounds of the hospital as 'staff' as well as to be able to be an 'infant handler'), some even more extensive trainings through my company, and then finally getting to be on my own!  I do work off commission, but still get paid a flat rate if I don't make my commission.  So far...and this was just based off my first paycheck!...I've been making commission.  So that's good!  I only have myself and other local photographers to compare myself too.  But this company is a nationwide company so every month photographer ratings come out so I can't wait to see how I stack up against others across the nation.  :)  I feel pretty good about how I do honestly.  And I love it.  If I had to pick one bad thing about the job?  Its that I am on my feet the entire time.  From 8:30a till I get done, not getting a chance to stop and eat lunch (I could but I'd rather just finish and be done than break for lunch) and not getting a chance to even sit.  Doesn't sound that bad, but being on my feet from 8:30 straight till 3p can be grueling.  But if that's the only bad part of this job, then I'm ok.  :)

The grandma's have been taking turns caring for the kids when I'm not around, if I'm not off to pick up Brenna from school or whatever.  And I imagine as Summer is quick approaching they'll be doing more.  But I am very thankful to have their support and help to make this a worthwhile venture for our family.  Hopefully it'll continue to not be a burden to them.

Anyway.  So.....  yea.  That's about it I guess.  I now joke that I have like 4 jobs.  Stay at home mom/homemaker, school volunteer/PTO person, photographer through my business (still doing shoots when I am off and on weekends), and now a newborn photographer w Our365.  It makes for a very busy me.  And a pretty hectic schedule most of the time.  But again, hopefully in the long run, it'll be a worthwhile venture and lots of fun in the meantime!

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