Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

We had a great day today, filled with lots of love and relaxing for.....ME!  Yippee!

I'll back up a bit and start with this past Friday.  Brenna's school hosted a "Mother's Day Tea" for the moms.  They had it all decorated up with lace curtains and lots of cute little displayed accessories and decorations.  Each kid had made a little something for their mom - a card and vase of flowers.  The kids served their moms tea, snacks, complete with tea cups and saucers, decorations for the table, etc.  Brenna was so cute bringing each little item to the table one at a time.  She was so careful with it all.  :)  And then after we were done with our food and tea, she carried it all back to clear the table.  So sweet! :)

Then, this morning, I woke up to two little girls crawling in my bed.  Always a good feeling.  :)

After getting up, dressed and ready for church, they presented me with the presents!  First, store bought...

I love my necklace!  I have to admit...I did help with this present, tackling the chore of getting them to write their names per the instruction on the Etsy shop and all.  But it was for Mother's Day.  For me.  And I love it!  I plan to actually put the charms on a bracelet soon.

Then, Brooke gave me hers that she made at school and hid from me all weekend.  It was a chart of all things she loved about me, etc...and a coupon book (and there were tons more coupons, I only took pics of a few of them)!  Best gift ever!  ...  Assuming she holds true to it.  ;)

We went to church from there, the kids went to Sunday School, where Brenna made another present for me...

And afterwards we went and had lunch at Abuelo's, where I got a coupon for a free dessert and a free Tshirt!

Later, after checking my email, I also realized I got a 6 mo membership to  Yippee!  Love audible!  And never want to pay for the membership cuz I'm cheap.  Haha!  So that was a great surprise.  :)

The rest of the day was spend relaxing mostly.  All in all a great way to spend Mother's Day!  Hope every other mom out there had a fantastic day too.  :)

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